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Monday, March 15, 2010

Tea Leaf Green | Show | State Theatre - St. Petersburg, FL (3/17/10)

Tea Leaf Green | Show | State Theatre - St. Petersburg, FL (3/17/10)


My return to the 9:30 club in D.C. for the first time since a Bone Thugs show in 2007 could not have been more glorious. Although it is one of my LEAST favorite venue's that I have traveled to in my journeys in search for great live music, their decision to have Sound Tribe Sector 9 bring down the house for 2 consecutive nights, could not have come at a better time. After getting to a point where 9:30 club was not really even a venue where I bothered looking at the schedule, I quickly realized a turn around. With an upcoming Mark Sexton, and Biscuits run, my feelings are starting to sway back into the positive.
Although I was only able to attend the first night of the two night run, a result of my ongoing battle with getting ready to graduate (the end is near), I could not have been happier. 3/13/2010 setlist is as follows:
Set 1:
1. Atlas
2. Beyond Right Now
3. Twilight
4. Monkey Music
5. From Now On
6. Tokyo
7. Inspire Strikes Back
Set Two:
1. Ramone & Emiglio
2. Empires
3. Kaya
4. The New Soma
5. Vibyl
6. Really Wut?
7. The Unquestionable Supremacy Of Nature
1. Shock Doctrine
2. EHM

A new album in my current playlist, is that of the opening act, Two Fresh, it was rumored the twin brothers behind the decks were celebrating the 21'st birthday's that evening. The trio got the crowd into a quick frenzy that would last the rest of the evening. Overall the whole experience made me rethink my feelings about the 9:30 club, and makes me wonder why I have waited over 2 years to catch another Tribe show. Apologies for no media from the show, but my camera was acting as crazy as some of those in the shows attendance!