Welcome to my Concert Review Page. In the archives of this section, you will find reviews of different shows I have gone to. I have posted pictures and videos of these shows in my Eye Candy Page. Be sure to explore my pages as they all include many interesting things!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Dunedin Brewery Octoberfest Celebrations!

Despite no prior knowledge that Dunedin Brewery was in the middle of its Octoberfest celebrations, the evening was another grand ole' time with some good people and great music.  The Heavy Pets started the night out, playing in an awesome addition to the Dunedin Brewery, a tent outside the main Bar area with a great stage and dance area set up.  The Heavy Pet's, a Ft. Lauderdale, FL based group consists of 5 members.  They have played festivals from Langerado, to Bonnaroo and are scheduled to play the upcoming JamCruise leaving from South Florida this coming New Years!  After the great outdoor set, the crowd proceeded inside to catch a groove with a band I was unfamiliar before this.  The Trio, which I have yet to acquire a large amount of information on, is a 3 piece jam band with a female bass player that blew my.....mind, any information on the group is greatly appreciated, tried to hunt them down but couldn't find them!  All in all the show rocked, and Dunedin Brewery continues to be one of my favorite venues in the Tampa area.  Can't go wrong with great music, and a great local brewery!  Ill be posting some new videos from the show at some point so be sure to check out the eye candy frequently!!!